Project FAQS

See below for all frequently asked questions.

Q1. What is a Praying Hand NFT?

Each Praying Hand is a truly unique and programmatically generated digital collectable stored as a ERC-721 token on the Ethereum blockchain.

Q2. How many NFTs are in the collection

We are releasing 2,222 Praying Hand NFTs. This release will act as a genesis collection and will yield passive income.

Q3. Will my Praying Hand be unique?

All Praying Hands are randomly generated from more than 180 possible traits, skin type, accessories, clothing and more. All Praying Hands are one of a kind, however some Praying Hands are rarer and more valuable than others.

Q4. Do I own my NFT?

Yes, it’s 100% yours! All Praying Hands Club ownership rights are transferred to the purchaser. See our full TERMS & CONDITIONS.

PHC Gitbook

Q5. When’s the drop & what’s the cost?

The Praying Hands Club’s public mint is currently live. Every Praying Hand costs the same to mint — 0.05 ETH

Q6. What are company held hands?

500 held hands will be used for marketing drops, collaborations & our charity project Helping Hands. We will also use them for owners memberships, and as company stock to build a dynamic team for the long path ahead..

Q8. How do I buy a PHC NFT??

There are 2 ways to purchase a PHC NFT...Via the PHC NFT Public Mint currently live at or on the secondary market on

Q7. Where does the charity money go?

Our community governed DAO (Decentralized Autnomous Organization) will vote on charity initatives via the PHC Ecosystem and a system called Snapshot. Each month 11% of the sales royalites generated by our merchadise partners will be dedicated to this cause to provide continous charitable help, recovery and prevention.

PHC Gitbook